Evaluation Results



| (1) Perfect score if the correct behaviors can be observed as soon as running the application or as soon as the sliders are moved (2) 50% deduction if it is difficult to check the correct behaviors immediately and TA needs to tune for a long time (3) 75% points are deducted it is impossible to check the correctly behaviors from the application but the implementation was almost correct in the code

(4) 0 points were given if the implementation is totally wrong or does not exist

Skeleton Code:


Deadline: April 20th (Thursday) 11:59PM

In this programing assignment, we will implement a crowd simulation, called boids, which is one of the most iconic and popular models in the history of computer animation. Students will implement some basic behaviors of the boids model in 3D. The boids model was originally proposed by Craig Reynolds and its goal is to reproduce the behavior of flocks of birds or school of fishes. It’s an agent-based model where only simple rules are defined for each agent, from which complex behaviors of many agents can be generated. The original paper can be found here and its pseudocode can be found here. Once it is implemented with proper parameter tunings, it should look like this.

Step1 (35pt) : Basic Behaviors

Unless you finish to implement step1, you will not get points for the remaining steps because it does not make sense to showcase other behaviors without implementing the behaviors in step1.

Step2 (35pt) : Additional Behaviors