


(06/27) Total scores are announced. TAs will accept claims by July 7th. If you want to claim an official absence, please submit proof of medical visit, conference attendance, reserve forces(예비군), etc. For claims related to attendance scores, please contact [email protected]. For other claims, please contact [email protected].

(06/25) Scores for the assignment 3 and 4 are announced. TAs will get accept claims by June 27th and no correction will be made after then. Please contact [email protected] for claims. (The late penalty is not reflected yet)

(Expired) Please submit only one report per team for the term project. The maximum amount of delay without penalty for the term project report will be based on the team member who has the least available late days. For example, if team member A,B,C have 2 days, 1 day, 3 hours available, respectively, the amount of delay without penalty will be 3 hours.

Scores for the second programming assignment are announced. TAs will get accept claims by June 15th and no update will be made after then.

Assignment 2 (Soft and Rigid Body Simulation)

(Expired) Assignment 2: Skeleton code and Q/A about the example mesh are updated. Please check the Assignment page for details. The due date is updated (May 11th → May 16th)

(Expired) Scores for the first programming assignment are announced. TAs will get accept claims by May 4th and no correction will be made after then. There are 4 students of which programs did not run correctly, so they should contact TA asap.

Assignment 1 (Boids Model)

(Expired) Please check out the presentation order for term project proposal

Term Project

(Expired) Please submit a form for the team selection on term project by April 17th, otherwise you will be classified as one who wants to skip the term project (by losing 20% of total point in the course).

(Expired) Please submit a form for the paper selection by March 22nd, otherwise you will be assigned to an arbitrary paper.

(Expired) Policy for quota exceeding course registration request

Given limited human resources, this basically will not be allowed except for some special cases noted below so that all the registered students will be able to be fully cared by the lecture and TAs. For the students who meet the essential conditions below, please send me a CV while applying course registration request in ETL ( The previous information was not correct, you should submit a request for this in “”. If too many students (> 10% of the registered students) apply, I’ll choose students based on their priority after reading all CVs in detail. The decision will be announced via ETL in the next afternoon of the first lecture.