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Quota Exceeding Course Registration (정원 외 신청)

To ensure that every registered student will receive enough support from the lecturer and TAs, given the limited resources, “Quota Exceeding Course Registration” will be allowed to only a few students (20 students maximum) who have high priority. Please do NOT send an email to the lecturer or TAs; simply apply via MySNU with comments on why you REALLY need to take this course. The lecturer will selectively choose certain students according to their priority, or the validity of reasons.

Course Overview

Computer Graphics (CG) is a field that studies methods to create visual content with the aid of computers. This course is designed to provide an introduction to computer graphics for senior undergraduate students (but not limited to them). At a broad level, the topics include modeling (i.e., the methods for building 2D/3D objects), animation (i.e., the methods for moving objects spatially and temporally), and rendering (i.e., the methods for generating realistic images from the models).


Many parts of Computer Graphics theory rely on math and physics. Therefore, linear algebra e.g. vector and matrices), vector calculus (e.g. differential equation), a bit of probability (e.g. probability distribution such as Gaussian or uniform), and some knowledge in physics (e.g. velocity, acceleration, torque, inertia) will be important ingredients in our course. You should also be familiar with computer programming (e.g., C++, Python, Java, or Java Script) to complete programming assignments, which are very crucial in this course.

Students who haven't acquired a modest amount of knowledge in those topics can still take the course; however, they might need to be prepared to spend extra time studying them while taking the course.


We will cover several sub-sections from various sources

Foundations of 3D computer graphics / Steven J. Gortler. (SNU Library Link) Computer graphics with OpenGL / Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker.

OpenGL® Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL®, Version 4.5 with SPIR-V, Ninth Edition (SNU Library Link)

Time and Place

Tue/Thu 15:30 (3:30pm) - 16:45 (4:45pm)

Engineering Building 302 (dong) - 209 (ho)
